2. Click on Mail, then choose Preferences in the drop-down menu.
3. Select the Accounts tab, then click the + symbol.
4. Next you will select Other Mail Account, then Continue.
5. Next you will enter your Name, Email Address, Email password, then click Sign In.
6. You may see an error stating “Unable to verify account name or password” This is normal. Go ahead and continue entering your email details:
Email Address
User name
Email Password
Account type: Select either IMAP or POP
Incoming/Outgoing Mail Server (Replace web140.cyberlynk.net with your domain)
Click Sign In
7. Click done.
8. On your Account Information page, you should see the “Online” status to confirm your Apple mail is setup properly. Use step 9 to manually configure ports.
9.Click on Server Settings, then uncheck the box for Automatically manage connection settings for Incoming and Outgoing mail server. Below are the standard settings for IMAP and POP
IMAP Account Settings using (SSL):
Incoming mail - Username: Your email address - Password: Your email address password - Host Name: Example (Web140.Cyberlynk.net) - (Replace Web140.Cyberlynk.net with your domain) - Port: (993 for SSL) - Encryption method: Click Use TLS/SSL - Authentication: Password
Outgoing mail - Username: Your email address - Password: Your email address password - Host Name: Example (Web140.Cyberlynk.net) - (Replace Web140.Cyberlynk.net with your domain) - Port: (465 for SSL) - Encryption method: Click Use TLS/SSL - Authentication: Password
IMAP Account Settings using (NON-SSL):
Incoming mail - Username: Your email address - Password: Your email address password - Host Name: Server Example (mail.domainname.com) - (Replace mail.domainname.com with your domain) - Port: (143 for NON-SSL) - Encryption method: Un-Check Use TLS/SSL - Authentication: Password
Outgoing mail - Username: Your email address - Password: Your email address password - Host Name: Server Example (mail.domainname.com) - (Replace mail.domainname.com with your domain) - Port: (25) - Encryption method: Un-Check Use TLS/SSL - Authentication: Password
POP Account Settings using (SSL):
Incoming mail - Username: Your email address - Password: Your email address password - Host Name: Example (Web140.Cyberlynk.net) - (Replace Web140.Cyberlynk.net with your domain) - Port: (995 for SSL) - Encryption method: Click Use TLS/SSL - Authentication: Password
Outgoing mail - Username: Your email address - Password: Your email address password - Host Name: Example (Web140.Cyberlynk.net) - (Replace Web140.Cyberlynk.net with your domain) - Port: (465 for SSL) - Encryption method: Click Use TLS/SSL - Authentication: Password
POP Account Settings using (NON-SSL):
Incoming mail - Server Example (mail.domainname.com) - Port: 110 - SSL: None - Authentication: Normal Password - Username: Your Full Email Address - Password: Your email address password
Outgoing mail - Server Example (mail.domainname.com) - Port: 25 or 587 - SSL: None - Authentication: Normal Password - Username: Your Full Email Address - Password: Your email address password
10. At this point your Apple Mail should be all setup with an online status on the Account Information page. If the status is showing offline go back and follow the steps to ensure your details are correct per your email server.
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